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Enhance your collections strategy

Improve payment conversion with our automated reminder campaigns and flexible payment options.
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Partnering with Industry Leaders
Why Glider

Transform your collections management through process automation and leveraging AI.

Automated campaigns

Transform large volumes of overdue payments into user-friendly, personalised payment experiences. Or send one-off requests based on custom triggers, all with the same API request.

Offer flexible payment plans

With Glider you can present the customer with the option to pay their overdue bill in full now or to pay over time using flexible instalment arrangements.

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Improve PCI compliance

Makes every call PCI-DSS compliant by reducing the scope for your call recording, phone system and agents. Your credit and collections teams can manage secure payments via phone and webchat.

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Optimise with data insights

From transaction visibility to consumer payment behaviour insights, Glider’s reporting console and APIs help organisations improve their collection experiences.

“Glider helps our customers self-serve, reducing collection calls and allowing our staff to focus on more complex accounts.”

 – Managing Director, Collections Agency

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53% of bill payers admit to paying bills late. Read the latest  billing insights in our Decoding Australian Bill Payment Trends report.
Read Report
How it Works

Use our API to create payment campaigns either manually or with triggered events

Billing & Collections - how it works - mobile


Glider’s range of capabilities

Agent Assisted Payments

Collect payments seamlessly over the phone or via webchat

Automated Payment Reminders

Set up and run payment campaigns tailored to your business requirements

Self-Service Payments 

AI-powered chatbot enabling customers to make payments 24/7

Save Payment Method

Enable customers to save their preferred method for future payments

Payment Plans

Flexible payment options; customisable dates, amounts and frequency

Payment Methods

Range of payment methods: Credit & Debit cards, Apple & Google Pay, PayPal, PayTo

Analytics & Insights

Get real-time reporting on user behaviours and payment patterns


Platform agnostic across payment gateways and other business systems

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During the first four months of implementing the campaigns, more than 2,000 Payment Plans were established, with a total value of over AUD $8m.
Read Case Study

Pay for what you use with our usage-based pricing model.